Monday, March 02, 2009

out and about

What a week. Living in Chicago I hear of a lot of bike events
happening- there really is a huge bike culture here. I’m usually too
busy or just don’t want to go to a lot of them, but this week, in an
effort to help the company grow, I've changed my tune. The first event
I attended was the Momentum Magazine gathering. Apparently they are
going to start having a regular section about Chicago, so they wanted
to meet some bicycle people in Chicago and we got an invite. It was a
fun event. I got to meet a lot of people, passed out some business
cards, and ate some really good food. Thanks Momentum!

The next event was the closing party for the 12th annual Chicago Bike
Winter Art Show
. My trusty crew drove 6 hours to help out. We set up
something of a merchandise table- space was limited, but we made it
work. It was a good time- all the money raised went to West Town
, a local bike co-op. there was a lot of great art, and some
really good bands too! one of our reviewers was in one band that
totally kicked ass. I was proud. All in all a good time. I met some
more great people, laughed at all the ridiculously large messenger
bags that everyone was wearing (all night). We sold some stuff- not
enough to pay my rent, but enough to help us out and contribute to the
event. We also donated a handful of various things for the raffle. You
could look at some pictures of this party, but somehow between two
digital cameras and three cell phone cameras we didn’t take a single
picture…hey- we're new to this- we're still working out all the kinks!
I would like to thank Steven, Alexis, Stewert, Leslie and of course my
best friends and support crew Brandon and Bronwen for driving all the
way down here and helping me get every thing together.

I really wanted to go the North American Hand Made Bike Show, but with
all that I just didn’t have it in me... maybe next year. Right now
we're still trying to figure out how we're gonna get to Interbike!